Chapter VII - Cooperation and consistency

Article 60 - Cooperation between the lead supervisory authority and the other supervisory authorities concerned

Cooperation between the lead supervisory authority and the respective supervisory authorities
Cooperation between the supervisory authorities
Communication in case of the relevant information on the matter to the other supervisory authorities concerned
The proceeding of the lead supervisory authority in case of the disagreement with the objection
The proceeding of the lead supervisory authority in case of the acceptance of the objection
The biding nature of the decision for the other supervisory authorities
The notification obligation of the lead supervisory authority in case of the submitted appeal
The notification obligation of the lead supervisory authority in case of the rejection of the submitted appeal
The proceeding of the lead supervisory authority and other supervisory authorities in case of the partial rejection of the submitted appeal
Obligations of the controller (or processor) after the decision has been published
Proceedings in case of the urgent situations
Sharing the information between the lead supervisory authority and the respective supervisory authorities

Article 61 - Mutual assistance

Providing the information and cooperation between the supervisory authorities
An appropriate measures required to reply to a request of another supervisory authority
Requests for an assistance or cooperation
Reasons for refusing a request by the supervisory authority
Information that are provided to the requesting supervisory authority by the requested supervisory authority
The ways of providing the information by the requested supervisory authorities
The basic rules of cooperation between the supervisory authorities
A provisional measure in the territory of the individual Member State in accordance with an Article 55(1)
A specification of the forms and ways of cooperation between the supervisory authorities

Article 62 - Joint operations of supervisory authorities

Joint operations and joint investigation
A competency of the supervisory authorities during the joint operations
The competency of the supervisory authority personal
A responsibility for the activities of the dispatched supervisory authority personal
Reimbursement of the damage, that is caused by the seconding supervisory authority personal
The prohibition of requesting the reimbursement in terms of the Article 62, paragraph 4 of the regulation
A provisional measure adoption in case of an obligation breach according to Article 62, paragraph 2, second sentence

Article 63 - Consistency mechanism

Consistency mechanism

Article 64 - Opinion of the Board

An opinion of the Board
Examination of an appeal by the Board
Issuing an opinion based on the Article 64, paragraphs 1 and 2
Cooperation between the supervisory authorities, Commission and Board
An information obligation of the Chair of the Board
Restriction in the case of adopting the decision by the supervisory authority
An activity of the supervisory activity after receiving the opinion of the Board
An action taken by the respective supervisory authority after the opinion of the Board has been rejected

Article 65 - Dispute resolution by the Board

Reasons for adopting the biding decisions by the Board
Period for adopting the decisions based on the Article 65, paragraph 1
Activity of the Board when the periods, based on the Article 65, has been missed
Restrictions in adopting the decision within the period based on the Article 65, paragraph 2 and 3
A notification responsibility of the Chair of the Board
An activity of the Chair of the Board after the final decision has been accepted

Article 66 - Urgency procedure

Adoption of the provisional measures by the respective supervisory authority
Publication of the urgent opinion or biding decision
Request for an urgent opinion publication
Some exemptions in adopting the urgent opinion or an urgent biding decision

Article 67 - Exchange of information

Right of the Commission to adopt the implementing acts of the general scope

Article 68 - European Data Protection Board

The establishment of the European Data Protection Board
Chair of the Board
Structure of the Board
Designation of the joint representative of the supervisory authorities
Participation of the Commission during the Board sessions
Competency of the European Data Protection Supervisor

Article 69 - Independence

Independence of the Board
Individual provision in context of the independence of the Board

Article 70 - Tasks of the Board

Scope of the Board activities and responsibilities
Determination of the period by the Commission
Publication of the consultations results, opinions and best practices, that are made by the Board
Consultations of the Board with the respective parties

Article 71 - Reports

An annual report of the Board in context of the protection of natural persons during the personal data processing activities in the Union
Scope of the annual report of the Board

Article 72 - Procedure

Procedure in taking the decisions by the Board
Operational arrangements of the Board

Article 73 - Chair

Election of the Chair of the Board
Term of office of the Chair of the Board

Article 74 - Tasks of the Chair

Tasks of the Chair of the Board
Allocation of the tasks to the Chair of the Board and Deputy Chair of the Board

Article 75 - Secretariat

Tasks of the Secretariat of the Board
Personnel of the European Data Protection Supervisor
Cooperation between the Board and European Data Protection Supervisor
Scope of the cooperation between the Board and Secretariat
Responsibility of the Secretariat

Article 76 - Confidentiality

Confidential discussions of the Board
Access to documents of the Board