Basic information about the regulation

Name of regulation
Accreditation conditions for the accreditation subjects

Certification bodies referred to in paragraph 1 shall be accredited in accordance with that paragraph only where they have:
(a) demonstrated their independence and expertise in relation to the subject-matter of the certification to the satisfaction of the competent supervisory authority;
(b) undertaken to respect the criteria referred to in Article 42(5) and approved by the supervisory authority which is competent pursuant to Article 55 or 56 or by the Board pursuant to Article 63;
(c) established procedures for the issuing, periodic review and withdrawal of data protection certification, seals and marks;
(d) established procedures and structures to handle complaints about infringements of the certification or the manner in which the certification has been, or is being, implemented by the controller or processor, and to make those procedures and structures transparent to data subjects and the public; and
(e) demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the competent supervisory authority, that their tasks and duties do not result in a conflict of interests.

Legislative localisation Chapter IV, Section 4, Article 43, Paragraph 2
Certification bodies (Article 43, Section 5, Chapter IV)
Regulation type Definition
Regulation class Provision
Subjects of regulation
Definition National accreditation subject
Supervisory authority which is competent pursuant to Article 55 or 56
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