List of the kind of processing operations which are subject to the requirement for a data protection impact assessment |
Consistency mechanism referred to in Article 63 |
Assessing the impact of the processing operations performed by such controllers or processors |
Competency of the supervisory authority in case of specific situations |
Encouraging the drawing up of codes of conduct intended to contribute to the proper application of this Regulation |
Registration and publication of the code |
Submitting the code or draft of the code to the Board |
Submitting the draft criteria for an accreditation of a body |
Support in the process of certification mechanisms implementation |
Certification criteria publications |
Consistency mechanism application referred to in Article 63 |
Binding corporate rules in accordance with the consistency mechanism set out in Article 63 |
Activity of the Commission and supervisory authorities in context of the international organization support |
Activity of the supervisory authority |
Independence of the supervisory authority |
Competence of the supervisory authority |
Obligations of the supervisory authority after receiving the complaint in terms of the Article 56, paragraph 2 of the regulation |
Decision of the lead supervisory authority to reject the case |
Facilitation of the complaints submission process |
Free – of -charge principle of performing the supervisory authority tasks |
The exercise of powers on the part of the supervisory authority |
The annual report on the supervisory authority activities |
Cooperation between the Lead supervisory authority and respective supervisory authorities |
Biding force of the decision draft for the other supervisory authorities |
Notification obligation of the Lead supervisory authority in case of rejection of the submitted appeal |
Lead supervisory authority and other supervisory authorities proceedings in case of the partial rejection of the submitted appeal |
Ways of providing the information between the lead supervisory authority and respective supervisory authorities |
Providing the information and cooperation between the supervisory authorities |
An appropriate measures required to reply to a request of another supervisory authority |
Competency of the supervisory authorities in joint operations |
Consistency mechanism |
An opinion of the Board |
Cooperation between the supervisory authorities, Commission and Board |
Restriction in adopting the decision by the supervisory authority |
Activity of the supervisory activity after receiving the opinion of the Board |
Action of the respective supervisory authority after rejecting the opinion of the Board |
Restrictions in adopting the decision within the period in terms of the Article 65, paragraph 2 and 3 of the regulation |
Information responsibility of the supervisory authority after receiving the complaint |
Forwarding the opinion or decision to the respective judicial authorities |
Basic rules for imposing the administrative fines |
Competency of the supervisory authority and appropriate procedural safeguards |