Supervisory authorities


Regulation name
List of the kind of processing operations which are subject to the requirement for a data protection impact assessment
(Supervisory authority)
Consistency mechanism referred to in Article 63
(Supervisory authority)
Assessing the impact of the processing operations performed by such controllers or processors
(Controller, Processor, Supervisory authority)
Competency of the supervisory authority in case of specific situations
(Supervisory authority)
Encouraging the drawing up of codes of conduct intended to contribute to the proper application of this Regulation
(European Data Protection Board, European Commission, Member states, Supervisory authority)
Registration and publication of the code
(Supervisory authority)
Submitting the code or draft of the code to the Board
(Supervisory authority)
Submitting the draft criteria for an accreditation of a body
(Supervisory authority)
Support in the process of certification mechanisms implementation
(European Data Protection Board, European Commission, Member states, Supervisory authority)
Certification criteria publications
(Supervisory authority)
Consistency mechanism application referred to in Article 63
(Supervisory authority)
Binding corporate rules in accordance with the consistency mechanism set out in Article 63
(Supervisory authority)
Activity of the Commission and supervisory authorities in context of the international organization support
(European Commission, Supervisory authority)
Activity of the supervisory authority
(Supervisory authority)
Independence of the supervisory authority
(Supervisory authority)
Independence of the supervisory authority members
(Member of the supervisory authority)
Obligation of the supervisory authority members to refrain from any action incompatible with their duties
(Member of the supervisory authority)
Basic requirements for the supervisory authority members
(Member of the supervisory authority)
Professional secrecy commitment
(Member of the supervisory authority)
Competence of the supervisory authority
(Supervisory authority)
Obligations of the supervisory authority after receiving the complaint in terms of the Article 56, paragraph 2 of the regulation
(Lead supervisory authority, Supervisory authority)
Obligations of the supervisory authority after receiving the complaint in terms of the Article 56, paragraph 2 of the regulation
(Lead supervisory authority, Supervisory authority)
Decision of the lead supervisory authority to reject the case
(Supervisory authority)
Facilitation of the complaints submission process
(Supervisory authority)
Free – of -charge principle of performing the supervisory authority tasks
(Supervisory authority)
The exercise of powers on the part of the supervisory authority
(Supervisory authority)
The annual report on the supervisory authority activities
(Supervisory authority)
Cooperation between the Lead supervisory authority and respective supervisory authorities
(Lead supervisory authority, Supervisory authority)
Cooperation between the Lead supervisory authority and respective supervisory authorities
(Lead supervisory authority, Supervisory authority)
Communication in case of the relevant information on the matter to the other supervisory authorities concerned
(Lead supervisory authority)
Lead supervisory authority proceedings in case of the disagreement with the objection
(Lead supervisory authority)
Lead supervisory authority proceedings in case of acceptance of the objection
(Lead supervisory authority)
Biding force of the decision draft for the other supervisory authorities
(Supervisory authority)
Notification obligation of the Lead supervisory authority in case of the submitted appeal
(Lead supervisory authority)
Notification obligation of the Lead supervisory authority in case of rejection of the submitted appeal
(Supervisory authority)
Lead supervisory authority and other supervisory authorities proceedings in case of the partial rejection of the submitted appeal
(Lead supervisory authority, Supervisory authority)
Lead supervisory authority and other supervisory authorities proceedings in case of the partial rejection of the submitted appeal
(Lead supervisory authority, Supervisory authority)
Obligations of the Controller (or Processor) after the decision has been notified
(Controller, Lead supervisory authority, Processor)
Ways of providing the information between the lead supervisory authority and respective supervisory authorities
(Lead supervisory authority, Supervisory authority)
Ways of providing the information between the lead supervisory authority and respective supervisory authorities
(Lead supervisory authority, Supervisory authority)
Providing the information and cooperation between the supervisory authorities
(Supervisory authority)
An appropriate measures required to reply to a request of another supervisory authority
(Supervisory authority)
Information that are provided to the requesting supervisory authority by the requested supervisory authority
(Requested supervisory authority)
Means of providing the information by the requested supervisory authorities
(Requested supervisory authority)
Basic rules for cooperation between the supervisory authorities
(Requested supervisory authority)
Competency of the supervisory authorities in joint operations
(Supervisory authority)
Consistency mechanism
(European Commission, Supervisory authority)
An opinion of the Board
(European Data Protection Board, Supervisory authority)
Cooperation between the supervisory authorities, Commission and Board
(European Commission, Supervisory authority)
Restriction in adopting the decision by the supervisory authority
(Supervisory authority)
Activity of the supervisory activity after receiving the opinion of the Board
(Supervisory authority)
Action of the respective supervisory authority after rejecting the opinion of the Board
(Supervisory authority)
Restrictions in adopting the decision within the period in terms of the Article 65, paragraph 2 and 3 of the regulation
(Supervisory authority)
Activity of the Chair of the Board after acceptance of the final decision
(Lead supervisory authority, Supervisory authority with which the complaint has been lodged)
Activity of the Chair of the Board after acceptance of the final decision
(Lead supervisory authority, Supervisory authority with which the complaint has been lodged)
Information responsibility of the supervisory authority after receiving the complaint
(Supervisory authority)
Forwarding the opinion or decision to the respective judicial authorities
(Supervisory authority)
Basic rules for imposing the administrative fines
(Supervisory authority)
Competency of the supervisory authority and appropriate procedural safeguards
(Supervisory authority)

Indirect obligations

Regulation name
Common certification and the European Data Protection Seal
(Certification subject, Supervisory authority)
Decision of the lead supervisory authority to handle the case
(Lead supervisory authority)
Cooperation between the supervisory authorities
(Supervisory authority)
Basic rules for cooperation between the supervisory authorities
(Supervisory authority)
Specification of the forms and means of cooperation between the supervisory authorities
(European Data Protection Board, Supervisory authority)
Joint operations and joint investigation
(Supervisory authority)
Adoption of the provisional measures by the respective supervisory authority
(Supervisory authority)
Competency for submitting the request to the supervisory authority
(Supervisory authority)
Principles for imposing the maximum administrative fines
(Supervisory authority)
Right of the Commission request information from Member States and supervisory authorities
(Member states, Supervisory authority)


Regulation name
Standard contractual clauses settled by the supervisory authority
(Supervisory authority)
Competency of the supervisory authority in context of the notification obligation of the controller
(Supervisory authority)
List of the kind of processing operations for which no data protection impact assessment is required
(Supervisory authority)
Reasons for an accreditation withdrawal
(Supervisory authority)
Decision of the lead supervisory authority to handle the case
(Supervisory authority)
Decision of the lead supervisory authority to reject the case
(Lead supervisory authority)
Services charge in context of the unfounded or excessive requests
(Supervisory authority)
Investigative powers of the supervisory authority
(Supervisory authority)
Corrective powers of the supervisory authority
(Supervisory authority)
Authorization and advisory powers of the supervisory authority
(Supervisory authority)
Right of the supervisory authority to bring infringements of this Regulation to the attention of the judicial authorities
(Supervisory authority)
Cooperation between the supervisory authorities
(Lead supervisory authority)
Proceedings in case of the urgent need to act
(Supervisory authority)
Reasons for refusing the request by the supervisory authority
(Requested supervisory authority)
A provisional measure on the territory of the individual Member State in accordance with Article 55(1)
(Requesting supervisory authority)
Right of the supervisory authority personal
(Supervisory authority)
A provisional measure in case of the breaching the obligations in terms of the Article 62, paragraph 2, second sentence
(Supervisory authorities in joint operation)
Examination of the case by the Board
(Chair of the Board, European Commission, Supervisory authority)
Adoption of the provisional measures by the respective supervisory authority
(European Data Protection Board, European Commission, Supervisory authority)
Publication of the urgent opinion or biding decision
(Supervisory authority)
Request for publishing the urgent opinion
(Supervisory authority)
Suspension of the proceeding
(Respective supervisory authority)

Indirect rights

Regulation name
Making the record available to the supervisory authority on request
(Supervisory authority)
Period for personal data breach declaration
(Supervisory authority)
Conditions that requires the prior consultations with supervisory authority
(Supervisory authority)
Information provided to the consulting the supervisory authority pursuant to paragraph 1
(Supervisory authority)
Consultations during the preparation of a proposal for a legislative measure
(Supervisory authority)
Consultations with the supervisory authority in the area of the social policy and public health policy
(Supervisory authority)
Submitting the draft code, amendment or extension to the supervisory authority which is competent pursuant to Article 55
(Supervisory authority)
Information obligation of the Certification subject
(Supervisory authority)
Accreditation of a certification body revocation
(National accreditation subject, Supervisory authority)
Obligation to provide the conditions for supervisory authority activities
(Supervisory authority)
Financial control of the supervisory authority
(Supervisory authority)
Appointing the members of the supervisory authority
(Member of the supervisory authority)
Obligations of the supervisory authority after receiving the complaint in terms of the Article 56, paragraph 2 of the regulation
(Lead supervisory authority)
Communication in case of the relevant information on the matter to the other supervisory authorities concerned
(Supervisory authority)
Lead supervisory authority proceedings in case of acceptance of the objection
(Supervisory authority)
Obligations of the Controller (or Processor) after the decision has been notified
(Lead supervisory authority, Supervisory authority)
Obligations of the Controller (or Processor) after the decision has been notified
(Lead supervisory authority, Supervisory authority)
Ways of providing the information between the lead supervisory authority and respective supervisory authorities
(Lead supervisory authority, Supervisory authority)
Ways of providing the information between the lead supervisory authority and respective supervisory authorities
(Lead supervisory authority, Supervisory authority)
Information that are provided to the requesting supervisory authority by the requested supervisory authority
(Requesting supervisory authority)
Means of providing the information by the requested supervisory authorities
(Requesting supervisory authority)
Period for adopting the decisions in terms of the Article 65, paragraph 1of the regulation
(Lead supervisory authority, Supervisory authority)
Period for adopting the decisions in terms of the Article 65, paragraph 1of the regulation
(Lead supervisory authority, Supervisory authority)
Notification responsibility of the Chair of the Board
(European Commission, Public, Supervisory authority)


Regulation name
Certification validity period and prolongation
(Certification subject, Supervisory authority)
Accreditation conditions for the accreditation subjects
(National accreditation subject, Supervisory authority which is competent pursuant to Article 55 or 56)
Validity of the decisions, published in terms of the Article 26, paragraph 2 of the Directive 95/46/ES
(Supervisory authority)
Derogations of the supervisory authority member duties
(Member of the supervisory authority)
Abrogation of the supervisory authority member
(Member of the supervisory authority)
Derogation of the supervisory authority competence in context pf the judicial power
(Supervisory authority)
Competence of the lead supervisory authority in terms of the Article 60 of the regulation
(Supervisory authority of the main establishment or of the single establishment of the Controller or Processor)
Supervisory authority right on context of the complaint
(Supervisory authority)
The lead supervisory authority and the cross-border processing
(Lead supervisory authority)
Supervisory authority territorial activity scope
(Supervisory authority)
Requests for assistance or cooperation
(Supervisory authority)
Exemptions in adopting the urgent opinion or urgent biding decision
(European Data Protection Board, Supervisory authority)
Local competency of the judicial authorities for proceeding in case of the personal data protection
(Judicial authorities, Supervisory authority)
Facts and conditions that are influencing the imposition of administrative fines
(Controller, Processor, Supervisory authority)